Moving and Creating a Home Inventory in London, Ontario


Moving to a new place in London, Ontario can be an exciting adventure. However, amidst the whirlwind of emotions and packing frenzy, it’s easy to overlook the importance of creating a home inventory. This seemingly mundane task can be a lifesaver, ensuring a smoother move moving company London Ontario and potentially saving you money on insurance claims or lost items.

Why You Need a Home Inventory in London

London offers a vibrant lifestyle with diverse neighborhoods. Whether you’re upsizing to a family home in Old South or downsizing to a cozy condo in Dundas, creating a home inventory is crucial for several reasons:

  • Insurance Claims: In the unfortunate event of a fire, theft, or water damage, a detailed inventory with photos provides concrete evidence of your belongings for insurance companies. This can expedite the claims process and ensure you receive fair compensation.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing exactly what you own removes the stress of wondering what might be missing during or after the move. It also helps prioritize packing essentials and avoid the chaos of unpacking unidentified boxes.
  • Moving Efficiency: A well-organized inventory helps movers understand the scope of your belongings and allocate resources efficiently. Labeling boxes with corresponding inventory numbers makes unpacking a breeze, saving you valuable time and frustration.
  • Decluttering Opportunity: Creating an inventory often leads to a natural decluttering process. As you go through your belongings, you may identify items you no longer need or use. Consider donating, selling, or recycling these items to lighten your load and potentially raise some extra cash for your move.

Creating Your Home Inventory:

Getting Started:

There are several ways to approach creating your home inventory. Here are some popular methods:

  • Pen and Paper: This classic method is readily available and allows for detailed descriptions. However, it can be time-consuming and cumbersome to update or share.
  • Spreadsheet: Spreadsheets offer a more organized approach, allowing you to sort and categorize your belongings easily. However, data entry can be tedious, and visuals are limited.
  • Inventory Apps: Several free or paid mobile apps streamline the process. These apps often include photo functionalities and cloud storage, making your inventory accessible and shareable.

Crafting Your Inventory:

Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating your home inventory:

  1. Room by Room: Begin by tackling one room at a time. This focused approach ensures you don’t miss anything.
  2. Itemize Everything: List every item, from furniture and appliances to electronics and clothing.
  3. Detailed Descriptions: Don’t just list “pots and pans.” Include specifics like material, brand, and quantity. This detail helps with insurance claims and identifying lost items.
  4. Capture Value: Estimate the current value of your belongings, especially high-value items like jewelry or electronics. This information is crucial for insurance purposes.
  5. Photographic Evidence: Take clear pictures of each item, focusing on any distinguishing features or damage. This visual documentation strengthens your claims and aids in identifying lost items.
  6. Categorize: Consider categorizing your belongings by room type or function (e.g., kitchen appliances, electronics). This makes it easier to track specific items and plan for unpacking.
  7. Serial Numbers: Include serial numbers for valuable electronics or appliances for better identification and insurance claims.
  8. Update Regularly: Your inventory is a living document. Update it as you acquire new items or dispose of old ones.

Additional Tips for Londoners:

  • London Resources: The City of London offers valuable resources for residents on its website, including information on tenant rights and moving permits. These resources can help ensure a smooth transition to your new home.
  • Storage Solutions: If your new place is smaller, or you need temporary storage during your move, London offers various storage locker facilities. Consider researching reputable storage companies to find one that suits your needs.
  • Local Movers: London boasts a range of professional moving companies. Researching local movers and obtaining quotes can help you find a reliable and affordable service for your move.


Taking the time to create a home inventory before your move to London, Ontario will pay off in the long run. This simple step provides peace of mind, aids the moving process, and protects your belongings. With a well-organized inventory in hand, you can focus on the exciting aspects of settling into your new London home.

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